Meisteringer Halle, Nuremberg, West Germany

    Astronomy Domine - Careful With That Axe, Eugene - Cymbaline
    A Saucerful of Secrets - The Embryo - Interstellar Overdrive
    Set the controls for the Heart of the Sun - The Amazing Pudding

     - astronomy domine
    rw ; K'you..This next thing is a track....... a track off our last album Ummagumma, and it's called ' careful......
     - careful with that axe, eugene
    Thank you.
     - cymbaline
    rw ; This is going to be the last thing we do in this half of the concert. It's off our LP before last
    an' it's the title track and it's called ' a saucerful.....

     - a saucerful of secrets
    rw ; Thank you. See you.......new song called ' embryo
     - the embryo - interstellar overdrive - set the controls for the heart of the sun
    (.....).new tonight.....song called (....)
     - the amazing pudding
    Thank you.

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